Coupons, Coupons, Coupons!

I hear a lot of people talking about Extreme Couponing. I haven't watched it yet (no cable), but sure would love to be able to get the deals!

Today I thought I would share with you some great sites I go to for Canadian coupons. I sure wish they were as abundant as they are in the states.

So here for the taking are my top go to sites:

Check newspapers, magazines and instore coupons. Stock up on them for sale days. Ask around.

Plus, I go to sites of products I use frequently and check for coupons. Sometimes I even sign up for their newsletters so I can get extra coupons. So go to the sites of products that you use frequently and check it out.

One other site you should check out: She has a lot of info on looking for and using coupons.

Tell me, do you have another place you go to for coupons? I would love to add more to my list!

Enjoy your day!

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