Friday the back to school lunch post will up. In the meantime, from the time of posting to midnight tonight, I have a contest for some PEI deals.
What's up for grabs? Some coupons for buy one 12" pepperoni pizza at Sam's get one free, 2 for 1 admission to the CARI pool, buy $10 of merchandise at Repeats and get $10 free and rent one dvd get one free at your choice of That's Entertainment, The Box Office or Stratford Video.
All you have to do is leave a comment, tweet (fightin2bfrugal), or email (smile_zil at yahoo dot ca) telling us a brown bag lunch you or your children love and recipe if needed. Winner will notified in the morning and the coupons will be mailed out tomorrow. Great prize package for the long weekend.
Ready? Set? Go!
Enjoy your day!
1 comment:
Hi Liz!
One of my daughters favorite thing to take for her brown bag lunch is a chicken wrap. Very easy. All I do is spread some ranch dressing on the inside of the wrap, use left over chicken or cook up chicken fingers(she prefers this one) place them on-top of the dressing then add shredded lettuce, carrots and cheese. Roll it and wrap it up. There you have it. Easy peasy. Add in some homemade cookies, fruit, a granola bar, water(I give water because she prefers it and because she would go all day without drinking it if I didn't)and pudding. I think it covers most or all food groups. I love that you are asking people what they make for their brown bags, it is always interesting to see what other people make. I always love to try new recipes or ideas! Thanks.
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