Could kick myself in the butt!

I have a fair size garden (20'x30') in my backyard, but am always trying to cram more in it. I do kind of square foot planting and kind of french planting.

Recently, I was speaking with a friend who gardens similarly to me. She read about using a metal rack in the garden in a lean to format to grow cucumbers on so that you can use the space underneath to grow produce that likes more shade like lettuce, spinach and whatnot. Luckily for her, her daughter is taking a welding course at school and is making her some racks, but we both thought that old oven racks would work well also. I thought that would be a fantastic idea and started looking around for some.

Here is the part where I kick myself in the butt.

You see, it was a month or more ago that we had said conversation. I wish that I would have kept that in my mind during spring clean up. I am sure that I could have found some old stoves being thrown out that I would have been able to get the racks out of.

So much for my frugal self.

In fact, I remember where there was a stove being tossed out. When I went back, of course it was gone.

Dang it.

So my frugal tip for you today, is capturing the moment. When you have a good idea, act on it. Get it out there so that others can help you.

Anyone on the Island have any old oven racks they don't want/need anymore?

Enjoy your day!

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